Alison Law is an experienced communications professional based in Atlanta, Georgia.
As a trained voice actor, she’s been voicing commercial spots and promos, narrating training videos, learning modules, and longform pieces, and greeting your customers via your voicemail systems for more than 25 years. Learn more about her voiceover services.
A self-proclaimed book evangelist and unapologetic author ally, Alison loves working with writers and publishing people. She has successfully planned and implemented marketing and public relations campaigns for bestselling authors, historians, and journalists. She’s also programmed and promoted literary events, such as the Decatur Book Festival, Lost Southern Voices Festival, and Alice Walker 75.
As president of Alison Law Communications, she has worked with a variety of clients, including:
- Authors and book publicity firms
- Public relations, advertising, and communications agencies
- Fortune 500 companies and global corporations
- Local, state, and federal government agencies
- Attorneys, accountants, veterinarians, and other professional service providers
- Nonprofit organizations and foundations
- Sole practitioners and entrepreneurs.
When not working, Alison loves planning and taking trips with her favorite travel companion, her husband Zach. She also enjoys coming home to their two cats, Soy and Skitty.